Ordering information


You are free to look around and pick and choose from our products on the I Love Poké website even without registration. However, before making a purchase, you are kindly requested to register yourself and choose your password.

Registration >>


Once you are registered, you will be able to log in with your user name and password any time.


You may buy all the products on the I Love Poké website online. The product information discloses both volume and price of the product, which includes VAT. The minimum order value is HUF 1 500 at consumer price, but may vary based on delivery address.

Delivery fees may vary in different districts of Budapest:

790 Ft: V., VI.
850 Ft: I.
920 Ft: XIII.
950 Ft: VII.
980 Ft: II., XI.
1 040 Ft: XII.
1 050 Ft: IX., VIII.
1 080 Ft: III.
1 090 Ft: XIV.
1 180 Ft: II.
1 440 Ft: IV.
1 700 Ft: XV.
1 860 Ft: X.
2 020 Ft: XVI.
2 150 Ft: XIX., XVII., XVIII., XX., XXI., XXII., XXIII., Budakalász, Budakeszi, Budaörs, Diósd, Nagykovácsi, Solymár, Üröm
3 060 Ft: Csömör, Dunakeszi, Fót, Kistarcsa, Pilisborosjenő, Piliscsaba, Pilisvörösvár, Pomáz, Pécel, Szentendre, Törökbálint, Vecsés, Érd
3 200 Ft: Leányfalu
3 260 Ft: Ecser , Gyál , Göd (Alsógöd), Göd (Felsőgöd), Halásztelek, Nagytarcsa, Szigethalom , Szigetszentmiklós
4 490 Ft: Biatorbágy , Dunaharaszti, Etyek , Maglód, Páty , Tahitótfalu (Tahi) , Tahitótfalu (Tótfalu) , Telki, Tárnok, Veresegyház
5 000 Ft: Bicske , Dunavarsány , Gyömrő , Isaszeg , Martonvásár , Szada , Százhalombatta , Vác , Ócsa , Üllő


You are free to change the contents of your shopping cart. The arrival of the order is automatically confirmed by our system, by sending an e-mail. If we do not have enough information to deliver the product, a member of our Customer Service may ring you up to confirm the time and date of delivery.

Orders will be accepted and processed between 11 a.m. and 10 p.m. each day.

You can pre-order your poké, giving us the exact date and time you wish to receive your order. Scheduled orders should be placed at least one hour prior to the desired time of delivery.


Payment for I Love Poké delivery is to be effected in cash upon delivery.

If you wish to pay with credit card or K&H SZÉP card in place, please tell this to our collegaues on phone, so we can take a POS Terminal to you upon delivery.

OTP credit card payment information sheet download >>

You have the possibility to pay with your credit card when ordering online (www.ilovepoke.hu) with the following cards: VISA, VISA Electron, MasterCard, Maestro, KH SZÉP and OTP SZÉP card.

You can indicate your need for corporate invoice only at ordering (both online and on the phone).